How to Use the Capacities Section in Your Pre-Report to Boost Your Impact
Key Takeaways and Resources:
The Capacities section in the Pre report helps you identify your young people’s opportunities for growth and assets. Watch a short video with an overview of the Capacities section.
- Reflecting on the capacity with the largest % of Emerging young people and the capacity with the largest % of Advanced young people is the first step you and your team can take. Use the two questions in the padlet to spark discussions. Remember, these questions will only get you started. The reflection that follows will depend on your team and context.
- Start slow and build from there. Reflecting on two capacities only will help your team to focus and dive deeper into how your program promotes (or leverages) each one of these capacities. Only then iterate to reflect on other capacities. The more you iterate, the more you build your team’s capacity to improve your program.
- Consider the scope of your program. Keep in mind that your program may not intentionally promote all the capacities you see on the table. And that’s ok. If your program only targets a few capacities, focus your reflection on those capacities. Keeping the scope of your program front and center will help your team identify strategic opportunities for improvement.
- Now what? During the session, I talked about the gap between program activities and impacts. To successfully impact young people’s SEL capacities, you need to weave research-based practices into your program activities and strategies. Access the resources to reflect on the Experiences your program can create to promote young people’s SEL growth.
In case you missed it, click here to review and contribute to the Reflection Padlet, and click here to get the Slide Deck.
If you missed our last session, you can watch the Practice and Progress section where we go over how to use the Experiences section in the Pre report to boost your program.